Welcome to the 16th Fleet!
Welcome to The Federation’s 16th Fleet, a roleplaying community built by gamers for gamers!
Created in 2001, the 16th Fleet has been focused on providing a fun environment and is a 100% focused on our members having a good time.
The 16th Fleet prides itself on offering a wide variety of options for our players. Primarily we feature Play By E-Mail and Play By Nova games spanning many genres.
We understand though that life does get in the way, and we actively promote our players taking a look around every now and then and to see our story as a diversion from their daily lives. So, if you’re looking for a group where you can make a real difference, where you can have fun and be part of a great story, and develop friendships with people from all across the Earth then you’ve come to the right place.
On behalf of the 16th Fleet and its members I invite you to become a part of our story. Trust me when I say that you won’t regret your decision to be part of our game.
The future is yours!
Latest News Items
» Writing Contest Easter
Posted on Tue Mar 29th, 2022 @ 1:03pm by Captain Kate Banninga in General News
Announcing something fun so please share with members who may not have access to our Discord!
Zodiac Fleet will be hosting a writing contest this year in honor of Easter. This writing prompt will be:
You are completing a planetary survey when a giant white rabbit hops passed you with baskets full of chocolate.
Try to have all submissions in by Friday, April 15, 2022. Submissions can be sent to @NX-1701-G by direct message. All entries will be posted on the Fleet Nova at http://zodiac.16thfleet.com/
Submissions will be rated on content, creativity, and FUN!
» 20th Anniversary Writing Contest!
Posted on Sun Sep 5th, 2021 @ 5:08am by Fleet Admiral Luzol Targaryen in General News
As many know we are celebrating 20 years of Zodiac Fleet this year! In honor of our upcoming anniversary we have some fun events planned an I would like to announce the first here today!
Zodiac Fleet is launching a writing competition in honor of our anniversary. We have two writing challenges planned. They are:
Option 1:
While on an assignment you meet a legendary figure in the history of the galaxy.
Option 2:
Your character takes the Kobayashi Maru test.
Some friendly suggestions:
Entries may be emailed to ussenterprisencc1701g@yahoo.com or uploaded to the Fleet Nova at https://zodiac.16thfleet.com. Entries will be accepted from 12:00 AM PST on Sunday, September 5, 2021 until 11:59 PM on Sunday, September 19, 2021. Authors have the option to revise their work up until the deadline date and time. There is no word limit to your entry. Only one entry per author though is requested.
The legendary figure can be anyone who has appeared in a Star Trek episode, film, or tie-in product. Our only request is that the figure be portrayed as they would be in Trek (i.e. Kirk would not be timid, Barclay would not be an adventurer, Mariner shouldn’t get along with her mother, and Geordi probably wouldn’t be a Casanova).
If writing your Kobayashi Maru you may NPC your trainee crew. The crew of the test vessel will include an NPC Flight Controller, Engineering/Operations Officer, Science Officer, and Tactical Officer (these should not be characters not owned by the author). You may use any threat species as the opponent.
The winning entry will be selected by a volunteer panel of judges.
This is open to anyone within Zodiac Fleet including guests!
Latest Mission Posts
» Hippity Hoppity
Mission: Easter Writing Contest
Posted on Tue Mar 29th, 2022 @ 4:12am by Fleet Admiral Luzol Targaryen
Lieutenant Anek Tua, Chief Science Officer of the recently launched USS Carl Sagan, stood amidst the alien clearing amazed by the beauty and tranquility that surrounded him. Sensors had indicated that the planet was Class L, but almost Class M, in composition and did have some lower level lifeforms. There…